How to Open the HOI4 Command Console : Press the ~ key to open the console. Joins -led Alliance! Both countries inherit all completed and in progress focuses and research. The command to kill the ruler of Qing is: kill QNG. I did that but Trotsky wasn't in command of the rebels. Considering I had already made my country big and there's absolutely no support for Non-Aligned, I thought the civil war would be short and brief with only 2 provinces or states involved.

Seeks Distance from Commonwealth, and New Zealand "United", assumes responsibility for African colonies, reorganizes African colonies, Indian National Congress triumphs in Provincial Elections, Swaraj Movement makes gains in Provincial Elections, Killed Over, Shot Down By, Shot Down, Abandons Neutral Foreign Policy, Trial of the Anti-Soviet Trotskyist Center, Refuses to Participate, Demands the Sudetenland, Refuses us the Sudetenland, Speaks Against, Denounces Ideals, Warns Against Communism, Prepares for Great Struggle, Brings Revolution to, Calls to Aid Workers, Calls for Crushing Nationalism, Diplomacy with Breaks Down, Calls for Intervention in, Speaks Against Red Menace, Confronts Fascism, Calls for War Against, Challenges Pretensions, Wants to Restore Order in, Calls Out Oppressors, Questions Sovereignty, Questions the Motives of, Angered by Posturing, Advocates Invasion of, Speaks Against, Denounces Ideals, Warns Against Communism, Prepares for Great Struggle, Bring Revolution to, Calls to Aid Workers, Calls for Crushing Nationalism, Diplomacy with Breaks Down, Calls for Intervention in, Speaks Against Red Menace, Confronts Fascism, Calls for War Against, Challenges Pretensions, Wants to Restore Order in, Calls Out Oppressors, Questions Sovereignty, Questions the Motives of, Angered by Posturing, Advocates Invasion of, Criticized for Weak Foreign Policy, seeks to join, has declared war on, intervenes in war against, gains Puppet (focus) war goal against. The other 145k for Republicans is purely from getting surrounded and overrun.

Civil wars can also be triggered by foreign-funded attempted coups. Disclaimer: Because commands can sometimes make unexpected changes to your game, it is recommended that … Dear Lord, was I wrong. Well one way could be starting a civil war. This means you will not be able to make any demands on territory controlled by the rebels once the peace conference starts, meaning that starting a civil war to safeguard an invasion turns the conquest into a two-stage affair.